The beloved late great Betty White was highly regarded not just for her impressive acting career but for her animal rights activism.
“Betty White demonstrated a lifelong commitment to helping animals in need, including dedicated support for local shelters and animal welfare endeavors, fiercely promoting and protecting animal interests in her entertainment projects, and personally adopting many rescued animals,” said Matt Bershadker, ASPCA president and CEO.
According the New York Post, Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association president Tom Jacobson added, “Her work with [the zoo] spans more than five decades, and we are grateful for her enduring friendship, lifelong advocacy for animals, and tireless dedication to supporting our mission.”
In the 1970s, White worked with the Morris Animal Foundation. A foundation that “advances animal health”. She later went on to serve as the group’s president emeritus. the Morris Animal Foundation developed what was considered “groundbreaking animal science” such as the feline leukemia vaccine and the Potomac horse fever vaccine.